
Harry Piper
About Me:
I am originally lived near Cambridge before moving to Wales for university! I now work at Bath Spa University and am also finishing writing up my PhD in threat detection and the psychology around this!
I love to be active, walking the dog along the beach, doing martial arts, and badminton. I also enjoy reading and Doctor Who (in all its forms)!
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Hi everyone! I’m Harry! I live in Anglesey, Wales with my wife. We have one (very cute!) cat called Lucifer, and an adorable pooch called Georgie. I am an active martial artist (especially enjoying Karate kata), but also enjoy reading, gaming, baking and exploring nature! I play violin (badly) and I also love snazzy ties and will make as many nerdy references as possible!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I research interpersonal violence, which is violence between people. I work with North Wales Police to do this and have made a first of its kind tool to help people evaluate their skills in order to implement change
I do research on interpersonal violence. I have worked with various police forces in England and Wales and together we have created a first of its kind tool that evaluates threat detection. This has helped establish if there are differences between groups of individuals in their general perceptions, as well as looking a how accurate someone is and how they compare to others from similar backgrounds. I have also looked at the visual cues associated with interpersonal violence and which cues are more or less important to which groups of individuals
My Typical Day:
I get up early (which can sometimes be really hard!) and roll out of bed and into the office (one of the only good things to come out of lockdown) so that I can start work at 08.00am (the earlier I start, the earlier I can finish!). The first things I tend to do is open my e-mails to see if anyone needs anything from me! At the moment I am writing up my research and applying for jobs because I am at the end of my contract. Each week I also teach the university students and grade papers.
My typical day varies quite a lot but I typically get up early to start work at 08:00 so that I can finish to walk the dog in some of the remaining light! I’ll typically check my emails at the start of the day in case anyone needs anything from me urgently. Then my day will be filled with prep work, teaching, marking, or writing up my PhD. I’ll come downstairs for a stretch and lunch with my wife and usually have a sneaky hot chocolate too. I’ll finish at 16:00, walk the dog (usually stopping for a chat with some of the locals in the village!)
It depends on the evening but I’ll usually do some sort of martial arts practice or workout, maybe go to the local sports centre and do badminton with my wife. Otherwise I’ll maybe do some baking, play some (video) games and watch some form of Doctor Who!
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would use the money to run a collaborative conference with both policing professionals and the general public. This would allow police to express current issues and challenges, academics to present current work, and the general public to gain an insight into both as well as helping the police and academics join forces.
GCSE – Freman College (Hertfordshire)
A-Level – Freman College (Hertforshire)
BSc Psychology – Aberystwyth University (Wales)
MSc Psychological Research – Bangor University (Wales)
PhD Psychology – in progress – Bangor University (Wales)
Teaching Fellow in Psychology – Bath Spa University -
GCSE (Freman College, Hertfordshire) – 7 A’s, 4 B’s, 1 C
A-level (Freman College, Hertfordshire) – Biology (B), Religious Studies (B) – Geography (B) – Maths (U) –
BSc Psychology (Aberstwyth University) – 1st class –
MSc Psychological Research (Bangor University) – Distinction
Teaching Psychology (1) and Human Science (2) at Higher Education
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy -
Work History:
Cub Scouts Young Leader
Fun Barn Party Host (Bury Lane Fun Barn)
Karate Club Instructor (Buntingford)
Research Assistant (Aberystwyth)
Staff Student Consultative Committee (Aberystwyth)
Disability Working Group (Bangor)
Teaching and grading (Bangor) -
Current Job:
Teaching Fellow in Psychology at Bath Spa University
Bath Spa University
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
excitable nerdy threat researcher
What did you want to be after you left school?
Medical Doctor - Cardiologist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Social care / nursing?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
James Blunt
What's your favourite food?
Cheese and biscuits... or pizza!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To be in Doctor Who (who wouldn't) - To take my wife to Japan (I've been before) - That my PhD would write itself!
Tell us a joke.
What do you call a bear with martial arts skills? Griz-lee