Questions with the keyword 'career'
- On your journey to becoming a psychologist, what was the most difficult part and how did you get over it? by anon-375032 to Steph, Mioara, Melanie, Liz, Liv G, Imogen, Hannah, Ed Comments: (No comments so far )
- How did you get to the position you are in today? by anon-374428 to Malwina, Hannah, Emma S, David M, Caroline W Comments: (No comments so far )
- if psychology wasnt an option, what would you do? by anon-375026 Comments: (No comments so far )
- what are some jobs you could get with a psychology degree by anon-374379 to Liv G, Emma S Comments: (No comments so far )
- If money was no object would you still be doing what you’re doing now? by anon-374415 Comments: (No comments so far )
- Is becoming a psychologist worth the amount of time and effort required to do it? by anon-375024 Comments: (No comments so far )
- What Qualifications did you get for your Career? by anon-374923 to Vicky Comments: (No comments so far )
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what is one way to improve the amount of sleep someone can get? (1 comment)
What is your favourite book? (1 comment)
how have you adapted your experiments based on sexuality? (2 comments)
what is the weirdest thing you have discovered when doing a brain scan? (1 comment)
How did you get into oxford? (1 comment)