• Question: What has been your greatest accomplishment - so far?

    Asked by anon-375032 on 27 Nov 2023.
    • Photo: removed scientist

      removed scientist answered on 27 Nov 2023:

      I would have to say my children

    • Photo: Malwina Niechcial-McKenna

      Malwina Niechcial-McKenna answered on 27 Nov 2023:

      I never actually think about that. But I guess getting to where I am career-wise is probably it. Once I complete my PhD, I think that would be number 1 achievement.

    • Photo: Berengere Digard

      Berengere Digard answered on 27 Nov 2023:

      Beyond making it through my PhD (which was the most challenging thing I ever did), I would say that my greatest accomplishment is the little pack of resources on autism and bilingualism I’ve created to inform clinicians, teachers, and parents. People are apparently finding it super useful, and I hope that it will contribute to removing the barriers to learning other languages for autistic people.

    • Photo: David McGonigle

      David McGonigle answered on 30 Nov 2023:

      I hate these questions; I can’t speak for the other people here, but often, we just want to do the work and get to the end of the day – that can be a pretty decent accomplishment!

      In terms of accomplishments, for me it was interviewing Mark E Smith, the lead singer of a band called The Fall, just before he died. Scientifically – I really can’t think of anything!

    • Photo: Emma Sullivan

      Emma Sullivan answered on 11 Dec 2023:

      I would say submitting my PhD a couple fo weeks ago!
