• Question: what are you researching at the moment?

    Asked by anon-374382 on 21 Nov 2023.
    • Photo: LESLIE HALLAM

      LESLIE HALLAM answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      I’ve been looking at how LATAM (a South American airline) should advertise themselves, in the UK, USA, Germany, Spain, Peru, Argentina, Chile and Columbia. They have recently combined from other companies, and want to retain their South American/Latin ‘soul’, while growing into their new identity as an international airline. It’s been really interesting talking to people in all these countries about how they see LATAM, and what they feel should happen next in advertising.

    • Photo: Berengere Digard

      Berengere Digard answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      I’m not running a project myself right now, but I’m supervising 5 final year students projects:
      – One project is looking at the attitudes of autistic people, their carers, and therapists on using art therapy against depression for autistic people going through depression
      – One project is looking at healthcare professionals understanding of autism, their attitudes towards autism, and their confidence in caring for autistic people
      – One project is looking at ways to measure social cognition (the mental processes we use to understand social information) across different neurotypes (autism, ADHD, neurotypicality) using an online task (to make taking part in research easier, and as a result, to have more meaningful findings)
      – One project is looking at how the different identities (gender, sexual orientation, cultural background, etc …) that neurodivergent people (i.e. autism, ADHD, dyslexia, etc etc) have influence how they mask their neurodivergence, and how that influences their mental health
      – One project is looking at what makes advising on research easy or difficult for autistic people who want to help researchers guide research towards more useful topics

    • Photo: removed scientist

      removed scientist answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      We are looking at reasoning in those with dyslexia. I have done this with syllogistic reasoning and now am using another logic task. We are also looking at differences in various other measures. This links with some work I am also doing on fonts and how we read, a computer, phone or paper.

    • Photo: Ed Morrison

      Ed Morrison answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      I’m doing a few lines of research at the moment:

      1) How important is movement in the judgements we make of other people (how attractive, friendly, or dominant they look)?
      2) How is testosterone related to people’s sexual and parental behaviour?
      3) Facial attractiveness.

    • Photo: Malwina Niechcial-McKenna

      Malwina Niechcial-McKenna answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      My current research project (my PhD) is looking at whether taking part in leisure activities (like doing exercise, learning a new language, doing something creative like pottery and others) can help older people keep their brains sharp.

      I would also love to extend this to people who had a stroke. Depending on where the stroke happened in their brain, they can have difficulties with different functions, like language, memory or moving around. A lot of them lose confidence after the stroke and generally struggle with everyday life. They normally have some rehabilitation in hospital or when just discharged, but nothing really systematic after that to help them get back to normal and feel confident enough to go out into the world again. I would hope that getting them to do something like this with other people in the community, once or twice a week for a couple of hours would help them build their confidence and other things back up again.

    • Photo: Emma Sullivan

      Emma Sullivan answered on 11 Dec 2023:

      I have recently been researching whether how well we sleep influences the persistence of our emotion states from one timepoint to the next (i.e. whether we remain in a sad mood for a longer period if we’ve had poor sleep).
