• Question: what are your main tips for psychology revision?

    Asked by anon-373373 on 9 Nov 2023.
    • Photo: Malwina Niechcial-McKenna

      Malwina Niechcial-McKenna answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      My main tip is to start your revision as soon as you can. Give yourself plenty of time for the material to sink in and to better memorise/try and understand the things you’re struggling with. I always asked my mum to ask me questions about the things I was revising because I found it a good way to try and explain things. Having to explain things to someone else made me understand it better as well. Good luck!

    • Photo: Rachael Hulme

      Rachael Hulme answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      Some top revision tips from the psychology research on learning:

      Space out your learning – do little bits of revision often (e.g. after each topic) throughout the term, then go over things close to exam time. This approach works a lot better than trying to cram and revise everything from scratch right before the exam!

      Test yourself during your revision – testing is not just for checking how well you are doing, it helps you learn things better! You could use quizzes, flash cards, and past papers for example.

      Personally, I also found it really helpful to have a study group of friends who are working on the same things so we could get together and go over things together, but also keep each other accountable. Good luck!

    • Photo: Ed Morrison

      Ed Morrison answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      Work hard.
      Work consistently (small bits every day).
      Work actively – writing down, not just reading.
      Test yourself.
      If you don’t understand something ask a parent, friend, or teacher.
      Spaced repetition.

    • Photo: Carl Atherton

      Carl Atherton answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      We live in world where everything is at our finger tips. Use it to your advantage.
      Dont set yourself up to fail by saying ” im going to revise for three hours tonight”.
      Start with 30 minutes, treat yourself, do another 30 minutes, treat yourself.
      Good luck!

    • Photo: removed scientist

      removed scientist answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      make sure you take the time to understand the topic when it is first presented to you, that way revision will be strengthening the associations in your brain. The deeper you think about something, the more available it will be to recall. Don’t just learn facts, try to learn what they mean

    • Photo: Liv Gaskill

      Liv Gaskill answered on 11 Nov 2023:

      Every time you cover a topic in your revision, explain it back to someone and teach them about what you’ve just revised. Also, ask them to ask questions to make sure you actually understand the topic – you could do this by having flashcards with questions on them for them to ask and then the answer on the back so they can check to make sure you’re correct.

      If you don’t have someone who will do this with you, you could just talk out loud to yourself and pretend you’re teaching people instead.

    • Photo: Berengere Digard

      Berengere Digard answered on 13 Nov 2023:

      Revise Psychology as you would revise any other complex topic. There’s quite a bit of research on the best ways to study, actually!

      – Space out and repeat your studying in little blocks of time instead of cramming
      – Restudy the material several times and test yourself! An exam isn’t just about what you know, it’s about what you can retrieve, so practice retrieving your knowledge
      – instead of just memorising, try and go more in-depth and make links between the things you learn, understanding how they work together.

      Good luck on your exams!

    • Photo: David McGonigle

      David McGonigle answered on 13 Nov 2023:

      Hi Eve,

      Simple answer – whatever works for you!

      Some people love visual methods like mind maps, others like to reword and make flash cards, still others prefer to write essays on past papers. As there are many, many (many!) years of research on this topic, I’d suggest that you do try to use an active method of revision: that’s the one thing the examples i listed have in common. Doing, rather than passively reading, does seem to have a positive effect.

      Best of luck! Dave

    • Photo: Emma Sullivan

      Emma Sullivan answered on 11 Dec 2023:

      Make sure you start early – I liked to have a plan for which bits I was doing each day for each subject. I made sure I broke down the work into small chunks. Also take a lot of breaks!!
