Thanks to all the students, psychologists and teachers that have taken part in the Psychology Zone!
It has been a fab 4 weeks. We hope you’ve enjoyed it – and we hope you’ve learnt something about what it’s like being a psychologist.
There have been some excellent questions asked by students.
Here are some of my favourites – click to read the answers!
- how long does it normally take for you to plan a new experiment?
- What strategies do you usually use to try and improve wellbeing in at risk communities?
- What is one way in which our social environment can affect our learning?
Throughout the Zone students have been voting for their favourite psychologist.
That psychologist will win £500 to spend on more STEM engagement.
We are very excited to announce that the winner of the Psychology Zone is…

🥇David McGonigle
David studies the human brain’s ability to change and repair itself.
🎉 Congratulations! 🥳
David received the most votes from the students overall!
Though the Zone has come to an end, you can view it at any time, to look back at the psychologists’ profiles, and see the answers they gave.
Thank you all so much for taking part. We hope that you enjoyed the experience, and of course learned a thing or two along the way 🙂 See you all again soon!
modsophie and the Psychology Zone team