
Liz Halstead
About Me:
I live just outside of London so I get the best of both worlds. I get to travel into London and work in the city, while coming back home to walk my dog out in the forest.
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Growing up in Lancashire I wanted to live in different places and explore the world and the people in it. When I went to university, I knew I wanted to become a Psychologist, I just wasn’t sure which area, so I started volunteering in community projects in mental health and disability when I was an undergraduate student to find out what I enjoyed.
I have worked with lots of people in many different jobs since graduating, including being a night shift worker in homes for adults with learning disabilities, and a research and clinical lead in an international company. I think my willingness to work with lots of different people has shaped the person I am now and the research ideas I have, more importantly I have always kept my sense of humour!
Outside of work I enjoy being outside, I have climbed a few mountains and enjoy physical challenges. I love animals, and I have always had pets, and I enjoy music, whether that is playing, singing or going to watch bands.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
My work is all about improving well-being in at risk populations. I want to improve sleep and mental health through behavioural intervention and I have a special interest in cultural factors and using digital tools (e.g., mobile apps).
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As part of my job as a Lecturer I have a number of roles. These include:
- Writing grants to get money to do research
- Writing peer reviewed journal articles or books/book chapters
- Supervise PhD Students, clinical doctorate students, Masters Students, and Undergraduate Students to do their research projects
- Teach! I run two undergraduate modules but I also teach on postgraduate modules (Masters level)
- I manage all the post graduate teaching assistants in our department, these are PhD students who support the lecturing staff on teaching and marking
- Personal tutor- a very important part of my job, I am personal tutor to 16 undergraduate 1st year students and it is my job to make sure they are ok throughout their degree
- Consultancy- I am asked to provide expertise to industry (companies) or government on policy and practice
So my days are very varied and I see a lot of students in my week!
My research is all about improving well-being, I have created online programmes for autistic adults to improve their sleep, and I have created a resilience programme for adults with Multiple Sclerosis and their care partners. These are just a couple of examples. I also work at looking at factors that support the well-being of individuals, for example social support.
My Typical Day:
My first job of the day is being a mum, once everyone has had breakfast and is happy, I take my dog out for a walk. On some days I travel into London on the tube and lecture in the morning, then I have meetings with students in the afternoon. Some days I spend reading work and writing (boring), sometimes I get to travel around the UK and internationally (more exciting).
What I'd do with the prize money:
If I was voted the winner, I would invite young people to come to London, have some free food and (soft) drinks in the university, and talk to me about ideas they have for improving mental health and sleep in student populations.
I went to school in Blackburn, Lancashire. I struggled at school and was held back due to illness during my A levels. I was certainly ready to leave to go to University. I went to Bangor University, Wales for a BSc in Psychology, graduated with a 1st class honours, and went straight onto study a PhD in Psychology.
11 GCSEs
2 A Levels (Music and Theatre Studies)
4 AS Levels (Music, Theatre Studies, English Literature, and Psychology)
Bsc (Hons) in Psychology
PhD in Psychology
Work History:
Are you ready? I have had a lot of jobs starting from when I was 15-
Bar staff
Retail (shoe shop) assistant
Teaching Assistant (for primary school)
Support Worker
Person Centred Planner for adults with learning disabilities
Trainer at Whizz Kidz with children who are wheelchair users
Post Graduate Teaching Assistant (undergraduate)
Research Assistant
Research Officer
Research Fellow
Post Doctoral Researcher
Training and Development Manager
Associate Lecturer
Clinical and Research (Scientific) Lead
Senior Teaching Fellow
Senior Research Fellow
Lecturer in Psychology (and plan on staying here for a while!)
Current Job:
Lecturer, Psychology and Human Development
University College London, I work in the IOE Faculty of Society and Education in the Psychology and Human Development Department.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Sleep and wellness
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
A vet
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Fleetwood Mac
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
More time, money and dogs
Tell us a joke.
All those who believe in psychokinesis.... raise my right hand.