• Question: Any tips for revision?

    Asked by anon-372589 on 7 Nov 2023. This question was also asked by anon-375026.
    • Photo: Viktoria Mileva

      Viktoria Mileva answered on 7 Nov 2023:

      Hi Mae – I’d recommend you revise a little bit every day. Memory studies show that cramming doesn’t work very well in the long run. You might be able to retain a little bit of information, just enough for your exam, but will quickly forget it. If you want something to ‘stick’ then repeating it several times, say using flash-cards, etc. can be very helpful! 🙂

      Another tip is to make a list of subjects/areas of a subject that you feel ‘confident’ ‘ok’ and ‘not confident’ in. Then prioritise revision for those things you aren’t confident in. Having a check-list can be a great motivator! Did you revise for (insert topic here) today? Tick it off of today’s list! Then revise a bit about it tomorrow too.

    • Photo: Malwina Niechcial-McKenna

      Malwina Niechcial-McKenna answered on 7 Nov 2023:

      Hi Mae. My advice would be to give yourself plenty of time as that will help you remember the material. I always got my mum to ask me questions about the material I was learning and see if I could answer them. I found that was a good way of checking my knowledge and much quicker than writing mock answers out but I know that also works for people. And of course, make sure you get a good night’s sleep before your exams 🙂

    • Photo: Hannah Evans

      Hannah Evans answered on 7 Nov 2023:

      Evidence-based study methods allow you to work smarter with better results. There are loads of YouTube videos about these!

      Active recall- testing yourself, not just re-reading/ highlighting notes. This can be through flashcards, or mock tests, or by ‘blurting’ (writing out all the information you know about a subject from memory).

      Spaced repetition- starting early, making and using revision materials from after you first learn the information. Going over the material maybe a few times in a day, to once a week, to once a month, to once every 3 months, etc.

    • Photo: removed scientist

      removed scientist answered on 7 Nov 2023:

      I would make sure you understand the topic when it is first taught to you. If you are unsure then ask your teacher. That way revision will be going over the material you know. You will be amazed how much the brain retains and just needs a gentle hint to retrieve. Study groups with friends can really help you as well.

    • Photo: Berengere Digard

      Berengere Digard answered on 7 Nov 2023:

      Research shows that the best way to study is to:
      – space out your studying of each topic: 30min every day is more useful than one long cramming session!
      – repeated practice: revising the same thing several times will help you record it in your memory
      – self-test: an exam is not just about knowing, it’s about recalling what you know! So to prepare for an exam, also practice retrieving information in your memory by doing little self-tests
      – in-depth learning, no surface learning: depending on what you are learning, it can be useful to think about how all the things you are learning fit with each other. Try and not only remember, but also really understand what you are learning.

      Good luck with your revision!

    • Photo: Rachael Hulme

      Rachael Hulme answered on 7 Nov 2023: last edited 7 Nov 2023 1:23 pm

      Some top tips from the psychology research on learning:

      Space out your learning – do little bits of revision often (e.g. after each topic) throughout the term, then go over things close to exam time. This approach works a lot better than trying to cram and revise everything from scratch right before the exam!

      Test yourself during your revision – testing is not just for checking how well you are doing, it helps you learn things better! You could use quizzes, flash cards, and past papers for example.

      Personally, I also found it really helpful to have a study group of friends who are working on the same things so we could get together and go over things together, but also keep each other accountable. Good luck!

    • Photo: LESLIE HALLAM

      LESLIE HALLAM answered on 8 Nov 2023:

      Revise with someone else (one or several people) so that you’re able to ‘test’ each other and reinforce your activities. Not always easy, but really valuable.

    • Photo: Liz Halstead

      Liz Halstead answered on 8 Nov 2023:

      Hi Mae, I would say make your own revision notes and come up with creative ways to familiarise yourself with materials, like recording your own podcast on a topic, this could be between you and a friend where you pretend you are an “expert”.

    • Photo: Melanie Smart

      Melanie Smart answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      The Pomodoro method is great for revision, especially if you find it hard. It’s good to work out what kind of learner you are – visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, sensory or reading/writing. Then you can learn in those ways and tap into your brains natural skill set.

    • Photo: Emma Sullivan

      Emma Sullivan answered on 11 Dec 2023:

      Making sure you start early, write yourself a revision timetable with what bits you want to revise each day. When it comes to revision, put your phone in a draw so you don’t have distractions! Revise in a way that works for you e.g. spider diagrams, flash cards, copying it out etc. Make sure you take lots of breaks too!
